Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Spin-o-rama Contest Idea

My team and I were just talking after our game and we came up with the idea of the Spin-o-rama closest to the button contest.  For those that don't know, here's a video of Jeff Stoughton doing a spin-o-rama.

So the idea is that you have to do a spin-o-rama and then throw the rock at the house.  Everyone that gets their rock in the house (or maybe the 8 foot) qualifies for the finals.  Then, the finalists do it again and the winner gets the pot (say the entry fee is $1-5 if you want to do it.)

Wouldn't that be really fun?  We're pushing for it for the Hobber Dobber Bonspiel

1 comment:

  1. The best part of that is that he did it in the finals of the world championships.
