Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Norway Curling Team Visits the Bay Area

The Norway Curling Team was in the Bay Area last week.  My brother was there and recorded some videos.
First, here's a video of Christoffer Svae, the mastermind behind the pants.

There's no video of this, but my brother told me that later, there was another interview where Svae was asked what he thought about San Francisco and part of the response was "San Francisco women love the pants."

Here's a video of Markus Hoiberg, who is now the team's alternate:

Apparently, due to the popularity of the pants, Loudmouth sponsors the entire contingent of Norway curlers so juniors and all of the other teams wear something from Loudmouth.  And it seems that lots of people bought pants that weekend.  I'd be curious to see pictures from the upcoming Golden Gate Bonspiel to see if it's a huge collection of the loudest curling attire possible.

So there was a game where the Norwegian team played a house team that's local and it wasn't even close.  We don't have a final score because they stopped scoring pretty early on so it must've been really bad.  Also, one of the Norwegians said that there were more people watching this demo game than had watched the Norwegian nationals.

Anyway, it looks like it was a good time.   

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