Saturday, May 21, 2011

Curling Patent - Tabletop Curling on Ice

This just seems kind of silly.  You can't really tell from the picture, but what's being patented is tabletop hockey, but on a table containing a refrigeration unit that can create actual ice for your game.

In the patent, they discuss the possibility of changing the design "to mimic the sport of curling."  They go on to say, "In such a case, miniature brooms and a miniature curling stone could be used on the sheet of ice". 

How would this even work?  I'm trying to imagine something like table shuffleboard, but on ice.  And while I think it might be funny to sweep a miniature stone with a miniature broom, I just don't think that would ever be practical.  Also, because you can't really replicate the physics of curling (heavy rock on bumpy ice) at the tabletop level, I feel like I would just go with something like the Cool Curling table.  This way, you don't have to deal with the added headache of trying to regulate the ice on your little tabletop.

So in general, I think this is kind of a ridiculous invention (for curling or hockey or anything else), but if you actually have one of these things, I would love to see it. 

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