Monday, November 22, 2010

Game 6 Recap

Before the game, I was surprised to see that my opponents got two points for their handicap.  I guess that means that my team is now a B level, so that's good for us.  To sum up, we won 8-5 in the 6th end (a couple rocks were left so we didn't technically finish the end) so another good win for my team.  My opponents had really only started curling in spring league from a few months ago so that's good for them.

One of the highlights include a double from my opponents first second.  To explain, their second was going to be late so they had one of their buddies play the first end.  This guy had never curled before, but on his second shot, they called a takeout.  As it so happens, the guy got a double.  I'm pretty sure that I didn't get a double my first year, let alone in my first end, so that was pretty cool for them.

Another interesting situation happened in the fourth end.  My team is down one and we don't have hammer.  As you can see below, my team is sitting four with some decent cover.

I thought a guard covering my team's rocks was the best shot.  As it turns out, I was a little heavy, but now my team is sitting five.  I actually can't remember the opposing skip's next shot, but I know nothing was affected by the shot.

Now, there's a decision.  The opposing skip has two shots, right?  One is a takeout on the right side and hopefully he gets two rocks, but probably has no shot at scoring.  The other is a draw on the left side.  There's a chance at getting shot rock but if it's in the house it might reduce the score a little.  The more logical shot is probably a guard against the draw on the right, but Vice and I quickly agreed to the guard on the right side.  The other team really hadn't made any draws during the entire game.  Their two scoring ends required some fairly difficult raises and runbacks (and a little luck).  Anyway, I got a good guard up front and the opposing skip wildly missed his draw (both on line and on weight). 

This was my team's first end this season where we scored four or more.  We were up 8-4 after that and that was pretty much it.  Record's now 4-2 with three more games to go in this half of the season.

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