Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Game 5 Recap

Another win for my team, bringing our record to a respectable 3-2.  Lead was out at the last minute and I couldn't find a sub on short notice so we just played with three people.  Our opponents got a one point handicap so I guess we're supposed to be better than them.  I guess we are as the final score was 8-5.  Second was probably player of the game as there were several times when after his three stones there were two guards and a buried rock in the house.  Also, there were a couple interesting shots. 

First, I'll highlight Vice's improbable double.  In the setup below we can see that there are two yellow stones close, but not touching.  I called a hard takeout with the idea that if we get the hit on the left side, we'd get both of them.  (Note: There were other rocks, but I don't remember them.)

Of course, it didn't turn out that way.  The rock curled over to the right side of the target rock.  But it rolled all the way across the house and right into the other yellow in the house for the double.  Vice will tell you that he saw that possibility, but don't believe him.  Still, it was pretty cool to see and looked very Olympic-like.

In addition, the opposing skip made an absolutely gorgeous shot that was basically all luck.  The situation is my team is up 6 in the 7th end and the opposing skip is going to throw is last rock.  Now, in the setup below, we can see that the guy had little to work with.  I'm not really sure what was communicated between the opposing skip and third, but the third was standing around the center and Vice and I ask him what the shot was.  The third said he had no idea.  I ask if he's sure and Vice actually goes over and helps him setup the double raise takeout.

As it turns out, the raised rock actually bounces off another rock before taking out my stone in the center.  It was amazing.

Second thinks we were being condescending by helping the other team with this and he's probably right.  However, I think everybody learned something and we all got to see a cool miracle type shot.

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